Dr. Ben Behnam is a cosmetic dermatologist helping you remove acne scars in Los Angeles.
Acne scars are like the memories of your damaging relationship, but only these are scars visible on your skin! Acne is caused by a variety of reasons including humid climate, menstruation, hormonal conditions, diet and many more. Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, it does have an impact on the patient’s life. Even after it has been cured, acne leaves behind its footprints in the form of acne scars. Dr. Behnam is a specialist in acne scar removal Los Angeles.
Acne scars are formed when the skin does not regenerate itself properly after the acne lesions are treated. The burning sensation due to acne can damage the skin tissue, hence leaving scars behind.
About 50 million Americans suffer from acne annually, making it the most common skin disease in the United States. What looks like a harmless pimple can conclude into a prominent lifetime scar, having a massive impact on the bearer. Acne scars play a vital role in lowering a victim’s self-esteem, especially teenagers. The person may heal physically, but the emotional damage can be long-lasting. Acne scars can be tough and stubborn, but you’re about to conquer it! Dermatology and Hair Restoration Specialists are experienced and qualified in acne scar treatment in Los Angeles.
You could say this is the ultimate guide to acne and acne scars. Sit back and hold on!
Let us now discuss the types of acne scars followed by their treatment methods.
Types of Acne Scars
Many different forms of acne scars exist. There are both depressed and raised acne scars. Depressed acne scars can be in the shape of rolling scars, ice pick scars or boxcar scars. Most patients have more than one form of acne scars on their face. The reason why we differentiate between the various forms is because some treatment methods work better on some scars than others.
As mentioned above, the acne scars result from the damage of skin tissues, which can be classified into two main categories: one where the scar is formed due to the loss of tissues, known as an atrophic scar, and the other where there is excess of tissues, called a hypertrophic scar. In these classifications, the following are the four main types of acne scars:
Ice Pick Scars
The Ice Pick scars are deep but slim marks that go all the way into the second layer of the skin. They are the outcome of the deformation of skin tissues which were damaged due to an infection or pimple.
The skin with ice pick scars looks like it has been punctured by a needle. These tiny yet deep holes are one of the most difficult acne scars to treat.
Boxcar Scars
Boxcar scars are the remnants of high inflammatory acne. The scars are oval-shaped, shallow but visible depressions on the skin, mostly formed on the jawline or lower cheeks portion of acne-prone face. The Boxcar is atrophic scars with their intensity being dependent on the mass of tissue loss.
Rolling Scars
The Rolling scars are quite similar to the Boxcar scars, but their edges are smooth, rather than edgy or sharp. The skin texture may be rough and wavy. Rolling scars tend to become more intense and visible as the personages.
During acne scar formation, fibrous tissue develops under the skin. These fibrous tissues pull down the skin at various levels, thus creating a wavy appearance of the skin, known as rolling scars. Typically the most common area of rolling scars appears on the cheek.
Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars
Contrary to the other types of scars, Keloids are not formed due to the absence of skin tissue, instead, it is formed as a result of excess tissue formation after the healing of a wound. The skin does not stop the production of cells, which creates a mound above the healed skin.
These scars are more common in men than women, but due to hormonal conditions, some skin types are more likely to have hypertrophic scars than others.
Types of Acne Scar Treatments
Many people believe that acne scars should be treated through home remedies. Their healing process is much slower and less effective in the long run. Acne scars can turn into a huge life hack, if not treated properly. It is highly recommended to get professional help from a specialist for acne scar treatments and acne scar removal Los Angeles.
The following are few of the many acne scars treatments available:
The process consists of using a high-speed tool to reemerge the cells of the skin. This helps in making the atrophic scars shallower and less visible to the naked eye. Dermabrasion is an intense procedure that is used in case of severe scarring. The patient may need a few days to heal after the procedure.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels or peeling involves the use of concentrated acid to peel the outer damaged skin, reducing the depth of the scars and making the skin look smooth and balanced. The use of chemicals can cause redness and exfoliation for a few days after the treatment.
Soft-Tissue Fillers
The depressions of the skin are filled by collagen or fat to help make the deep scars less visible. This treatment helps in covering the scars for a short period of time. Tissue-filling must be repeated after intervals as the skin absorbs the additional fats fading the effect of the treatment.
Laser Resurfacing
A multi-session treatment involves the use of laser to reduce the damaged skin layer. The dermatologist applies professional judgment on the type of laser, depending on the intensity of the scars and skin type.
This procedure carries a risk of bleeding, infection, and soreness. The patient may take several days to recover.
Skin Grafting
Skin grafting includes repairing the damaged skin or area having fewer tissues with healthy tissues. These tissues are taken from the patient’s body, generally from the back of the ear. Skin grafting helps in the reduction of scarred skin by filling it with normal skin.
Botox Injection
Botulinum toxin, also known as Botox injections, are used to repair the skin around the scars. The skin surrounding the scarred area folds, making the scars more prominent. The injection relaxes the skin cells, making the skin look smoother. This is commonly used to reduce aging effects on the skin.
The injections have a very limited life span.
Surgery or Punch Excision
Punch excision is a minor surgical procedure used to treat every scar separately. It involves incision of scar and stitching it to reduce its appearance. The surgery depends on the type of scar and healing time is dependent on the surgery.
Dr. Behnam is a professional when it comes to acne scars and offers acne scar removal Los Angeles. Get better and clearer skin in no time!
Acne Scars Treatment Options by Acne Scar
Depending on the types of acne scars you have, the treatment options may differ. There are different acne scar treatment products that can be used for home remedies or professional use. There are topical treatments, oral treatments, laser, and more. Unfortunately, some practitioners use laser as the go-to treatment for all forms of acne scars, but this method will not lead to the best results. Fortunately, Dr. Behnam knows the perfect treatments to get rid of stubborn acne scars.
Treatment Options for Rolling Scars:
There are two treatment options that work for rolling scars and sometimes these two are combined together. Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing is the gold standard for the treatment of rolling scars. Depending upon the severity, multiple sessions may be required. Fractional stimulation stimulates collagen production, thus improving the appearance of acne scars. In addition, subcision is also another very good potential treatment option for rolling acne scars. Subcision is a minor in-office surgical procedure that is performed by threading a sharp needle under the skin. The act of threading the needle will cut off the various fibrous tissues pulling down the skin surface, thus helping to raise the skin at that level and help its appearance. Multiple sessions of the subcision may be required.
There is also a method known as saline injections. Saline injection, which is technically a form of subcision, is the act of using bacteriostatic saline and injecting it into the acne scar, within the dermis. When injecting into the skin, the pressure will stretch out the fibrous tissue and loosening them up. Several sessions are required, typically 4 to 6, but the results may be impressive for such a simple technique. Saline injection work best for rolling scars.
Treatment Options for Boxcar Scars:
Just like rolling scars, boxcar scars may be treated with both fractional CO2 laser resurfacing and subcision. The reason why subcision will work in this case is that it will cut the fibrous tissue that is bounding don the base of the boxcar scar. Fractional CO2 works by drilling tiny columns in the skin to stimulate collagen production, thus filling in the scar over time. Again, multiple sessions of both subcision and fractional CO2 laser resurfacing may be required to achieve satisfactory results.
Chemical peels, like Jessner’s or TCA peels, may also help stimulate collagen production and smooth out the acne scar. For a quick fix, the individual depressed boxcar scars may also be injected with a filler, like Restylane or Juvéderm. The injections are made within the skin to raise the tissue up to the same level at the surrounding skin. The results are very impressive. Dr. Behnam commonly does this a week or two before the Oscars or Emmy’s and his patients absolutely love the result. For deep boxcar scars, punch excision is used to remove the scar. Basically, the area is numbed, the scar excised out and then sutured up. The area will heal with a linear scar. The final result typically looks better than the original depressed scar.
Treatment Options for Ice Pick Scars:
The gold standard in the treatment of icepick scars is the TCA CROSS Technique. TCA CROSS is a method where high concentrated TCA Chemical peel is applied deep into the scar and the area frosts up. Typically, TCA 80%, 90% or 100% is used. The TCA chemical peel will induce collagen stimulation in the icepick scar. The patient returns in 1 month and the procedure is repeated. About 2 to 3 sessions are required to see good improvement.
TCA CROSS technique may be used in all skin colors, but darker skin individuals need to use a bleaching cream hydroquinone 4% cream after the procedure. There is always a risk if pigmentation in darker skin individuals. In addition, Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing will also help with icepick scars. Typically, the two procedures, TCA CROSS, and Fractional CO@ laser, combined (not on the same day) will yield satisfactory results in patients with icepick scars. Unfortunately, unlike boxcar scars, fillers like Restylane and Juvéderm don’t work very well in icepick scars.
Treatment Options for Hypertrophic Scars:
The standard of therapy for hypertrophic scars is Kenalog injections. Typically, 2.5/cc is used, however, a higher concentration may be required. Kenalog injections will reduce the scar, however, it will take many sessions. If the scar is red, lasers can be used to reduce the redness. In these instances, Kenalog injection combined with the V-BEAM laser will be effective.
Talk to a board-certified dermatologist and get rid of your acne.
Acne Scar Removal Cost
The cost of acne scar removal can vary depending on many factors. If you decide to get rid of acne scars on your own, your cost will only be the supplies and research time. If you go with a professional, such as a dermatologist, your cost can be anywhere from $200 to $3,600, depending on the types and sizes of the acne scars. The best dermatologist for acne scar removal Los Angeles is Dr. Behnam.
Acne Scars Treatment Before and After
The treatments of acne scars do have noticeable outcomes; however, the results are mostly dependent on factors such as type of skin, genetics, the intensity of acne and many more. There are many pictures on the web where you can find before and after pictures of acne scar treatments. It must be noted that acne treatments may take a lot of time and require patience. The result may not always be as expected, but it is always a better option to consult a dermatologist than treating the scars on your own.
If you decide to go with Dr. Behnam for acne scar removal Los Angeles, you’re in luck! With years of experience, multiple awards and accolades, and tons of great reviews from many customers, your stubborn acne scars will be gone soon! Take a look at some of these before and after photos.
If you decide to go with Dr. Behnam for acne scar removal Los Angeles, you’re in luck! With years of experience, multiple awards and accolades, and tons of great reviews from many customers, your stubborn acne scars will be gone soon!
More Information About Acne Scars and Acne Scar Removal
Acne Scars Signs and Symptoms
Every skin type has unique signs of acne scars. The unwanted scars appear after the acne has been healed. Most acne does not scar the skin but sometimes the damage is deep into the skin causing scars.
A person suffering from acne must stay alert for signs which may result in scars. These include painful large pimples, pus inside the pimples, generation of lumps underneath your skin, blackheads or hard whiteheads on your skin.
The Causes of Acne Scars
The terrible acne scars are caused by the damaged skin cells due to pimples, blockage of pores by excess oil, bacteria or dead skin cells.
Another common cause of acne scars is popping the pimples, making the damage to intensify. When the skin heals it creates scars due to the damage.
Some skin types are more prone to get acne due to the hormonal imbalance, which makes them more prone to acne scars.
The negligence of the bearer can also result in ugly unwanted acne scars. Acne must be treated on time in order to avoid getting the scars after the acne has been healed.
How to Prevent and Manage Acne Scars
The scar may look ravishing on Harry Potter’s forehead, but let’s face it, we are no wizards. The acne scars may cause embarrassment for most people. Here are some tips on preventing and managing the scars:
1. Treat your Acne as a priority
Do not delay your acne treatment. If you have acne, consult a doctor. Do not take your skin for granted. Acne can spread fast and intensify quickly. Treat your acne as soon as possible to avoid getting scarred skin.
2. Keep your hands off
As much as you want to pop your pimple, do not do it. This can increase the damage and result in acne scars. Avoid touching or pressing the acne-affected areas.
3. Get to know your skin
If you are suffering from acne or the acne keeps on reappearing, you should try and observe the triggers. The causes can be your diet, daily routine or a face product you are using very often. Avoid all the possible triggers to reduce the chances of getting acne.
4. Get professional help
You should get professional help if your acne has not healed for a long time or it is getting painful. The doctors can provide you with better assistance and help you plan your treatment.
Contact Dr. Behnam, an acne scar treatment Los Angeles specialist, for more information on acne scar removal.
Acne Scar Treatment in Los Angeles
CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatment is able to reduce the appearance of acne scars by removing damaged skin layer by layer. It turns back the clock on your complexion and reveals the more youthful-looking skin that lies underneath.
Why should a Doctor do the laser procedure and not a technician? Each skin has its own shade of color. The intensity of the laser and the depth of the intensity must be calibrated by a trained physician and not a technician. Severe burn and unrecoverable skin damage might ensue if the laser intensity is not calibrated correctly for the right color of skin. For both Acne and Wrinkle Scars removal, Dr. Behnam charges as low as $495 (partial facial) for the first session. Partial facial areas are forehead, temples, cheeks, and chin.
Benefits include not only the effective correction of moderate to deep lines, acne scars, and wrinkles, but also treatment for uneven pigmentation, photodamage, and a host of other skin imperfections.
Acne Scar Removal Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing For Acne Scars
Safe, and simple, this procedure offers excellent results in approximately twenty to forty minutes. CO2 laser treatment has many benefits. It can rejuvenate skin that has been damaged by the sun, and create an even skin tone by minimizing discolorations. This brief procedure is done as an outpatient procedure and requires only local anesthesia.
Fractional CO2 Laser Los Angeles
Patients who undergo the procedure are allowed to return home after. The procedure itself involves placing carefully guided pulses of light on the skin to vaporize the top layer to a specific depth, revealing clear, healthy skin beneath. Patients are given a soothing ointment that alleviates the discomfort while sealing out air until the skin is completely healed.
There are many benefits to this treatment. Patients typically appreciate the ease with which the procedure works to even out skin and skin tone on both face and neck skin. Healing after the procedure is very rapid and requires only minimal care, with all redness subsiding within a week. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits for patients, however, is that goals can usually be achieved with only one to two treatments.
Meet The Doctor: Dr. Behnam is a Fractional CO2 Laser Specialist. He specializes in laser resurfacing of the face and has been featured on ABC7 and The Doctors Show performing the procedure. Please look below for pictures, videos, and testimonials.
Does my skin color matter for fractional CO2 laser resurfacing?
Yes. Skin color and skin tone do matter. Patients that have darker skin tone, such as Middle Eastern, Hispanics, and Asians have a higher risk of pigmentation at areas of laser resurfacing compare to white skin individuals. Thus, one must be very careful to use the appropriate setting on them in order to prevent unwanted side effects. Dr. Behnam is a board-certified dermatologist and about 80% of his patients are of Hispanic and Asian origin. Dr. Behnam specializes in treating acne scar removal in Los Angeles for patients of darker skin tones.
What are Dr. Behnam’s credentials in treating acne scars?
Dr. Ben Behnam is a board-certified dermatologist recognized nationally by Newsweek as one of the top 10 Physicians and Surgeons in the US, with appearances on The Doctors Show, FOX Good Day LA, and ABC News. Dr. Behnam has appeared on ABC News and The Doctors show performing this exact laser, the CO2 fractional laser. Thus he is recognized as an industry leader and expert in the field in the treatment of Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing.
How much improvement would I see with one session?
Typically 25-50% improvement is seen after one session. In darker skin individuals, the improvements are typically around 25% whereas in lighter individuals the improvement is more near 50%. However, everyone reacts differently to the laser. Dr. Behnam provides acne scar removal Los Angeles.
What is a typical day in the day of Laser Resurfacing for acne scars?
- Patient arrive 1 hour and 15 minutes before the procedure
- You are taken to our laser room with windows overlooking beautiful Santa Monica
- Face is washed
- Potent topical numbing is applied for 75 minutes
- Patient takes a Vicon pill or gets a shot of Demerol
- After 1:15 of topical numbing, the numbing cream is removed, face washed with alcohol, then dried and the patient is ready for the laser procedure.
- The laser procedure takes 20 to 30 minutes
- During the procedure, a chiller is used to cool down the face and make the procedure even more comfortable.
- The patient is then cooled down with wet towels
- Topical Aquaphor moisturizer is applied to face and the patient goes home.
- The patient is given Dr. Behnam’s personal cell phone number to call if there are any problems.
- Patient returns to the clinic in one week for follow up
CO2 Laser Resurfacing Tips:
- Wear a lot of sunscreen 2 to 4 weeks prior to the procedure
- You should not be tanned the day of the procedure.
- If you are on oral Doxycycline antibiotics, you must switch to one that is not as photosensitizing
- Must use Hydroquinone 4% bleaching cream 2 to 4 weeks prior to procedure (Darker skin individuals)
- Use non-hydroquinone bleaching cream after the procedure (Darker skin individuals)
To recapitulate, acne scars are the result of damaged skin due to acne. These unwanted scars can be treated in various ways. However, the results may vary from case to case. If treated properly, the scars can be removed or reduced to a certain level.