Stem Cell for Eyebrow Restoration

Stem cells for eyebrows before and after on woman
Eyebrow Restoration 4 months after injecting the area with human umbilical cord Stem Cells. Individual results may vary.

What is Stem Cell Treatment for Eyebrows?

Dr. Ben Behnam and Dr. Sean Behnam are the pioneers of Stem Cell injections for eyebrows. When Stem Cells are injected in the eyebrows, they cause growth of eyebrow hairs in matter of several months, restoring the eyebrow to its natural form. Please see the testimonial video below.

What are Stem Cells?

You probably have heard about Stem Cells however there are a lot of confusion, since every makeup and cosmetic company claims they have some sort of Stem Cell in their product. Dr. Behnam uses Mesenchymal stem cells, which come from the human umbilical cord. The umbilical cord, where the cells are taken from, comes from pregnant females within 36 to 40 weeks gestation age. After childbirth, placenta along with the umbilical cord are donated, at which time the actual Stem Cells are harvested, tested and then distributed to physicians for injections. After the cells are injected into the eyebrow area, hair growth starts at around the 1 month mark, peaking in about 4-6 months. The results typically last around 12 to 24 months. This is an outpatient process, just like Botox injections. The entire process of injecting the stem cells into the eyebrows take about 20 minutes.

How long does the Stem Cell for Eyebrow Restoration last?

The results typically last around 12 to 24 months. The reason is as follows. The Stem Cells live within your skin for about 9 to 12 months, releasing cytokines and growth factors, which are responsible for stimulating hair growth. As these Stem Cells die, the positive effects on the hair follicles diminishes, and with time the eyebrow hairs stop growing.

Do I have to do anything else to make the Eyebrow hair grow after the injections?

No. The Stem Cells will release growth factors that cause hair growth. To maintain result longer, patients may use products like Latisse however this is not necessary.

Can I use Latisse or other eyebrow products at the same time as the Stem Cell injection?

Yes, you can use other products but you do not need to.

How is this different than Permanent makeup or Microblading?

Microblading is a tattooing technique where permanent pigment is tattooed into the skin. If done right, it can look more natural than the traditional tattooing of the eyebrows however if not done correctly, it can look horrible. Stem Cell injection is not tattooing. We inject human Umbilical Cord Stem Cells into the eyebrow area, which causes regrowth of your natural eyebrow hair. There is no permanent makeup or tattooing involved.

How is Stem Cell injection different than PRP or Acell Injections?

PRP which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma is a method of concentrating your growth factors from your own blood. It’s typically injected into joints for better mobility and into the scalp for hair growth. However, studies have shown that PRP’s effective is only about 60 to 70%, and multiple treatments are required. According to Dr. Behnam, Stem Cell injections can be more effective than PRP. There is usually a confusion between PRP and Stem Cell. PRP contains growth factors but not stem cells.

Acell is as product where growth factors are drived from pig’s bladder. This has been used in hair restoration for many years. However, this is again only growth factors and Acell does not carry Stem Cells.

Is Stem Cell for Eyebrow Restoration the same as Eyebrow Transplant Surgery?

No. Eyebrow transplant surgery is a procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from the back of the scalp into the eyebrows. This is a surgical procedure that can take many hours and sometimes the entire day, with potentials complications and downtime (remember, it’s a surgical procedure). Eyebrow Restoration with Stem Cell is a 20 minute, outpatient procure where Stem Cells are injected into the eyebrow. This is typically a quick outpatient procedure with minimal downtime. There are no surgeries, no taking of hair from the back of the scalp and moving them into your eyebrows.

What is the exact process during the day of the procedure?

  1. Once you arrive at the office, photos are taken.
  2. Topical numbing is applied to the eyebrows.
  3. The eyebrow area is injected with Lidocain numbing.
  4. Stem Cells are injected into the eyebrows.
  5. You go home.

We also offer laughing gas in our office for patients who need it. Most patients tolerate the procedure very well.

Is this an outpatient or In-patient procedure?

The procedure is just just like getting a Botox injection. We apply topical numbing on the eyebrows, and then the Stem Cells are injected into the eyebrow areas. It’s a quick 20 minute outpatient procedure. No anesthesia is required. You can drive yourself to and from the clinic.

How long does the procedure take?

This is typically a quick outpatient procedure with minimal downtime. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to perform the entire procedure.

Does the procedure hurt?

We apply topical numbing in the area, and then inject the area with Lidocain numbing. Once numbed, you won’t feel a thing. Please watch the testimonial video and you will see how the procedure is performed.

Is there any downtime with the Stem Cell Eyebrow Restoration Procedure?

Some patients may bruise from the injections and there may be some swelling around the eyes. The bruise may last a week. The swelling typically resolves in couple hours, but sometimes may last several days.

Is Stem Cell injections the same as PRP injections?

No. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a process where we draw your blood and then it is placed in a centrifuge. Once centrifuged, the different parts of your blood are separated and the growth factor component is injected. PRP from your blood does not contain stem cell. The Stem Cells we use come from the human umbilical cord. They are more powerful than PRP because the Stem Cells continuously release growth factors into the injected area, restoring damaged tissue.

What Else are Stem Cells used for?

Typically, Stem Cells are used for joint pain and mobility. In the last several years, Stem Cells have been used for hair restoration on the scalp. Dr. Ben and Sean Behnam are the pioneers of Stem Cell injection for eyebrow restoration.

If I have thyroid problems, will the Stem Cells work?

We typically recommend that you address the thyroid issues before attempting Stem Cells, as teh thyroid problem may hinder the growth of hair.

What preparation do I need for the day of the procedure?

Patient are advised to Avoid Aspirin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs 3 days prior to the procedure and 3 weeks after the procedure.

Do results vary among patients?

Yes. As with every medical procedure, results may vary among patients. Remember, just like other outpatient procedure fillers and Botox, results are temporary ranging from 12 to 24 months and duration of improvement varies among patients. Stem cell injections are not a cure for your eyebrow hair loss.

What are the restrictions after the procedure?

There are really not many restrictions. You can exercise and do your normal routine. It is advised to avoid Aspirin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs for 3 weeks following the procedure.

How are the Stem Cells processed, and are they safe to use?

The source of the stem cells, the umbilical cord, gets processed immediately in the hospital according to a protocol created by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). Around 4 weeks before an already scheduled caesarean section, the mother is asked if she would prefer to keep and store her unborn child’s umbilical cord for herself. If she declines then she is given the option to donate it. If she agrees, there is an informed consent for her to sign and a thorough review of her entire medical history proceeds, including her medical history, social history, and later at the time of delivery, a blood test. If they are considered an acceptable donor according to the rules and restrictions of the AATB, then immediately after the delivery a technician will clamp the umbilical cord, take it to a clean room, remove its contents, and then place it into a collection bag. The umbilical cord blood is then processed at a lab. There, the cells are processed using a proprietary method. A sample is shipped to an independent CLIA lab for sterility testing for fungus, mold, or bacteria. After both lab reports come back as “clean” and pass the various regulatory requirements, the processed umbilical cord stem cells become available for distribution.

Are Stem Cells tested for HIV, Hepatitis and other infectious diseases?

Yes. Stem cells are tested for variety of diseases, including HIV, Hepatitis, and others. Each package comes with the tests performed. At the time of procedure Dr. Behnam opens the package and shows the patient the sheet of all the passed tests.

How many cells are in each vial of Stem Cells?

For hair loss, we typically use 10 million cell Stem Cell vials. We have found this concentration to be very effective for hair growth, especially in the eyebrow area

Are there any clinical studies showing Stem Cells cause hair growth?

Yes. Please read the following clinical study, Stem cell therapy as a novel therapeutic intervention for resistant cases of alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia.

What are the absolute contraindications for stem cell injections:

  1. Post organ transplant or on the transplant list
  2. Immuno-compromised (as in those with HIV)
  3. Those with active flu-like symptoms
  4. Pregnant, or those that are trying to become pregnant
    What are the relative contraindications:
  5. Active cancer or cancer within the last 5 years
  6. Significant food and/or drug allergies (this can typically be overcome by dosing H1 and H2 antagonists along with a non-particulate corticosteroid)
  7. Known sensitivity to glycerol (cryopreservant)
  8. Children under 12 years old

Is Stem Cell injections a cure for hair loss?


Can I have a Graft vs Host Response after the injection?

“Graft vs Host Response” occurs when the blood of two patients are mixed together. This is very rare with Umbilical Cord derived Stem Cells because these have yet to mature into a specific blood type, so any risk of reaction is incredibly low. The Umbilical Cord Blood derived cells contains live nucleated cells and as a result, occasionally the body could create an immune response. The inflammation can have a multitude of sources but this is not an example of graft vs host response. The inflammation most often presents as flu like symptoms. Not all patients will experience this but some could. Usually our office provides Claritin prior to the injection procedure.

Do They Ever Use an Aborted Fetus To Harvest Stem Cells?

No. The company we work with for the stem cells uses only the umbilical cord from a regular healthy birth.

Do Stem Cells Duplicate Themselves in the Body?

No. Stem cells are NOT able to duplicate themselves in the patient’s body. Stem cells DO have the ability to duplicate themselves in vitro, which means in culture in the lab, but they do NOT duplicate themselves once injected in the body. This is has been a long-held myth that has now been disproved.

How long do the Stem Cells last in your body?

Stem cells typically 9 to 12 months.

I want to learn more about Stem Cell for Hair Loss, where do I go?

To learn more about Stem Cell and hair loss, please visit our Stem Cell for Hair Loss page. If you still have more questions, please give us a call at 310-315-4989 or come see us in the clinic for a consultation.

Disclaimer: The content/images on this video are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided is for general information and educations purposes only and does not replace a need for a formal consultation. Stem cells are produced in an FDA approved facility and distributed to physicians. Stem cells are not FDA approved and the procedure described in the above video is investigational therapy only and has not been approved for hair loss by the FDA. Stem cell therapy is not a cure for hair loss and the results are temporary.