What is FUE Hair Transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE hair transplant is the extraction of individual hair follicles for transplantation to thinning or balding areas. The extractions are dispersed such that the scarring is very difficult to detect. Dr. Behnam has been performing FUE hair transplant procedures since 2008 and now FUE hair transplant is a large percentage of the surgeries he performs every month. Because he only performs one procedure per day, he has the time to do more FUE hair transplants. The procedure is more difficult than the strip procedure because the doctor must determine the angle the hair grows and remove it without damaging it or transecting it. A transected graft is one that has been cross cut damaging the follicle.


What is FUE Hair Transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE hair transplant is the extraction of individual hair follicles for transplantation to thinning or balding areas. The extractions are dispersed such that the scarring is very difficult to detect. Dr. Sean Behnam is a FUE hair transplant Los Angeles surgeon and specialist and has been performing FUE hair transplant procedures since 2008 and now FUE hair transplant is a large percentage of the surgeries he performs every month. Because he only performs one procedure per day, he has the time to do more FUE hair transplants. The procedure is more difficult than the strip procedure because the doctor must determine the angle the hair grows and remove it without damaging it or transecting it. A transected graft is one that has been cross cut damaging the follicle.

Fue Hair Transplant Los Angeles

A doctor must perform many FUE hair transplant procedures to get to a level of low transection. Dr. Behnam’s transection rate ranges between 1 and 3%, even on patients that have curly hair. Dr. Sean Benham attributes his low transection rate to the amount of time he has spent performing FUE hair transplant. When he first began doing this more difficult procedure, his surgeries took longer. Some beginning at 7a.m. and lasting past 9 p.m. The one surgery a day policy gave him the freedom to experiment, learn and streamline. Now he accomplishes in one hour what used to take him several. As there has become a greater demand for FUE, Dr. Behnam has made it more available for more patients.

Why is FUE hair transplant becoming more popular?

More patients are wearing their hair short on the sides and back of the head, and do not want to risk having a visible scar. Patients who have had an FUE hair transplant procedure may shave their head without having to worry about a scar. Grafts are extracted from the back and the sides of the head such that the the tiny scars are undetectable. This procedure is the latest technology in hair transplant and can replenish the hair on the top of the head without limiting how the hair is cut on the back and sides..

Automated FUE Hair Transplant Los Angeles, CA

Automated or not automated? In an effort to better serve patients, Dr. Behnam has carefully examined the automated FUE options. His goal is to use the method that will best serve each individual patient. He often uses the Neograft machine if he feels that the patient will have the greatest number of grafts extracted with the lowest transection rate. Also, graft care is a priority. He will not use any method that could compromise the survival of the graft once it has been extracted. He has not opted for the automated extraction or robotic method because he feels he can provide a better outcome with his hand held device.

What is FUT (strip procedures)?

FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation, this process is also know as a “strip procedure.”  This is the more traditional process of hair restoration and is less expensive. In this procedure a strip of tissue is removed from the back of the scalp and the grafts are dissected to be transplanted. Depending on the density of the donor area and the laxity of the scalp, patients can usually have more grafts extracted and transplanted in a single procedure with this method. Dr. Behnam has all of his strip patients do a scalp stretching exercise prior to having the procedure. FUE hair transplant Los Angeles is safe and effective. This enables the doctor to remove more grafts while leaving the smallest scar possible.

Many who are considering hair transplant are afraid of having a large scar afterwards so Dr. Behnam is committed to doing all that can be done to reduce scarring. In addition to the scalp stretching exercise, Dr. Behnam utilizes two methods of closure to ensure a small scar. One is the trichophytic closure- this where an angle is cut on the bottom tissue so that the top tissue may be secured over that angle so that hair will grow into the scar making it less visible. He also performs a double layer closure with a dissolving suture internally and a staple on top of the skin. With all of these measures, Dr. Behnam’s strip patients can usually cut their hair down to a half of an inch without the scar being visible.

FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant

Grafts are inserted into the top of the scalp in the same manner with both of these procedures. So the transplantation itself is identical. The extraction of the grafts is what separates the two. Usually the deciding factor is the length the patient wants to wear his or hair on the sides and back of the head. Patients who have no desire to cut their hair shorter than a half of an inch can usually have the strip procedure without the scar being detectable. There are some patients with low density on the back and sides that would be required to wear it longer. Those who like to wear the sides and back shorter usually find that paying more for an FUE hair transplant procedure is worth it.

Hair Loss Consultation Los Angeles

Hair loss can often be remedied with medication, topical solutions, supplements, surgery, or just time. Dr. Behnam treats every consultation as a medical evaluation. FUE hair transplant Los Angeles is a great way to get more hair. He is committed to educating each patient on his or her options so the patient can make an informed decision. For those who are good  transplant candidates, Dr. Behnam gives a clear, detailed explanation of what to expect. He understands that hair loss can be devastating and treats it with the respect it deserves. No high pressure sales or cursory rushed appointments, just a thorough analysis of of each individual’s options. For a free consultation with Dr. Sean Behnam please call (888) 443-8424