What Are Chemical Peels?
As a person gets older, their skin tends to dehydrate making it difficult to cast off, resulting in the smoothness of the skin to fade away. The damaged and dead skin not only makes you look older than your original age but makes you appear to be less attractive. If you believe that this is a compromise you have to make, then think again! You do not have to live with dry, sagged skin just because you have celebrated a great number of your birthdays. Clinical experts have come up with a solution for all these aging problems, known as chemical peels.
Chemical peel is one of the oldest nonsurgical skin treatment process which brings out the smooth, fresh skin by removing the outer dry and damaged layer of the skin. A chemical solution is used on the affected areas for the treatment of wrinkles, discoloration, and uneven tanned layer of skin.
Chemical Peels for Acne Scars
TCA Cross technique is the application of Trichloroacetic Acid 100% into ice pick or boxcar scars, stimulating collagen production in the scar. It is very effective but may need to be repeated multiple times, typically 3 times. Patients can experience significant improvement. It is safe in all skin colors however one must be careful in darker skin individuals. Chemical Peels Los Angeles helps people from all over the world treat and cure acne and acne scars.
What Are Chemical Peels Good For?
Chemical peels technique is used for correcting the aging symptoms from the skin of the face, neck and hands. At Chemical Peels Los Angeles, we’re focus on doing what it’s designed for. It can also be used for:
- Decreasing wrinkles – The wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth are reduced when the outer layer of skin is peeled off using a chemical solution.
- Lessening the scars – The depth of the scars can be reduced through the chemical peels process. The removal of the old skin layer lessens the depth of the scars, making them less noticeable.
- Treating acne – Chemical peels treatment is used for eliminating acne from the skin. It helps in reducing the acne and acne scars by removing the surface of the skin layer.
- Treatment of sun burned skin – The sun burns on the skin or patches of sun burns can be reduced through chemical peels technique. It removes the burnt and damaged skin and extracts the smooth skin underneath.
- Reducing discoloration – Another good use of chemical peels is the reduction of discoloration on the face or neck. The fresh layer of toned skin appears after the damaged skin is peeled off, giving a fresh glow to the skin.
- Treatment of spots – Chemical peel has been proven to be a cure for reducing spots and under eye dark circles. When the damaged skin is removed it takes away any spots or dark areas with it giving clearer and healthier skin.
- Treating precancerous skin disorders – Another excellent use of chemical peels treatment is for the precancerous skin disorders. The reaction of the skin to the cancerous cells can vary, sometimes the skin forms lumps or gets discolored. These Issues can be reduced through the chemical peel’s treatments.
Benefits of Chemical Peels
There are many benefits of getting chemical peels treatment, some of these are discussed below:
- No Surgery is Required
Chemical peels are a non-surgical solution to almost all aging problems. Many people are apprehensive when it comes to surgery or getting an anesthesia. Chemical peel treatment does not require anesthesia to be given to the patient. An acid-solution is applied to the affected areas, which peels off the dead, damaged skin revealing the fresh skin. - Very Satisfying Results
The results of chemical peel treatments are highly satisfying. The damaged, dried skin is extracted out leaving behind a new, fresh and smoother skin layer. Patients are generally satisfied with the chemical peel outcomes. - Least Side Effects
Chemical peel has no major side effects. Depending on the intensity of the chemical being used, the side effects include slight burning, redness or swelling. These effects are temporary and disappear after a while. - Safe Procedure
The chemical peel procedure is not known as a risky treatment. It involves use of chemicals to peel off the old, dead skin. The procedure is safe with no major side effects. - New Skin
Ever wished that you can just get a new skin? Guess what, Chemical peel gives you a new skin! The new skin is actually your second layer of skin, which is resurfaced. This new skin is smooth, wrinkle free with no sun damaged areas.
Types of Chemical Peels
There are various types of chemical peels. Chemical Peels Los Angeles are experts with all kinds of chemical peels and we make sure to use the right one for all types of acne. We will discuss all these types of chemical peels below.
- Glycolic Peel
The Glycolic Peel contains the tiniest molecule and therefore it can reach into great depth areas. The peel type has various intensity depending on the type of treatment required. Glycolic peel is most suitable for eliminating the aging effects from the skin. - Lactic Peel
As suggested by the name, the lactic peel is obtained from milk, it is gentle for the skin. Lactic peel is best suited for people having very dry or sensitive skin. - Beta Peel
Beta Peel helps in reducing acne and acne scars from the skin. An acid solution is used to peel off the damaged skin and reveal the smooth, fresh skin. Beta peel can be used by young and adult patients. It is mostly used for acne prone skin type. - Vitalize Peel
Vitalize Peel is generally the initial peel for patients trying the chemical peel treatment for the very first time. It is very light solution made of lactic, salicylic and citric acid. Vitalize peel is very gentle on the skin and is commonly used for eliminating the pigmentation from the skin. - Pigment Balancing Peel
The Pigment Balancing Peel is used for the reduction of dark spots and lightening the pigmentation of the skin. This type of peel takes time to give satisfying results.
Why You Should Use Chemical Peels
People have been getting a glowing skin through the chemical peel treatment for over 100 years. It is the oldest methods to be used in United States, including Los Angeles and other cities, for treating the aging problems and providing a smoother skin to people.
Chemical Peels Los Angeles treatment is an easy way to get smooth, glowing skin. It enhances the skin texture by eliminating the wrinkles, fine lines, various types of acne and scars. It is also helpful in the reduction of dark spots and pigmentation of the skin.
Chemical peel does not have any adverse effects on the skin. It is suitable for younger people and adult skins. The intensity of the chemical to be used for the treatment will be determined by the doctor, who will provide a detailed analysis of what is best for a specific type of skin.
Cost of Chemical Peels
The following are some of the frequently asked questions regarding the chemical peel treatment:
- How long will I take to recover from TCA cross chemical peels?
Immediately following TCA cross, the treated skin turn white. Over a few hours, the area becomes much redder than the surrounding skin. Pin-point areas surrounding the treated area may peel over the next 3-4 days. The skin slowly returns to its normal color over 8-21 days. In darker skin patients, pigmentation changes maybe more prolonged. It is essential that sun exposure is avoided in all patient for at least 2 weeks following a TCA chemical peel.
The recovery time of chemical peel is 3 to 8 days, depending on the type of chemical peel treatment taken by the patient. The results can be observed after the recovery time has passed. The patient can proceed the daily routine tasks; however, some precautions are required.
Recovery is also dependent on the strength of the TCA CROSS chemical peel- a higher concentration means a longer recovery time. - Does the Chemical Peel treatment hurt or burn the skin?
The most common perception of people is that chemical peel hurts or burns the skin. This I absolutely a rumor, the chemical peel process is not painful for the patient. Usually it does not require anesthesia. - How many treatments will I need?
As with many other acne scar treatments, multiple sessions are advised for the best results. As a guide we encourage patients to complete 2-3 sessions, over a period of 3-4 months. Very deep scars can be treated with surgical techniques during the time of TCA Cross, whilst laser can also be conducted during the procedure. Individualized treatments will give the best results. - How much will my acne scars improve with TCA cross?
As a guide we should aim for at least 50-80% improvement of deep ice pick scars after a series of 2-3 TCA cross chemical peels. Scar specialists do not recommend fractional laser resurfacing for deep ice pick scars, as TCA peels or punch surgical excision out performs lasers in this setting. Once deep acne scars are raised up to form a shallow scar, we then use laser to complete the scar revision process. - What types of acne scars respond best to TCA CROSS peels?
- Ice pick scars
- Mixed acne scars
- Enlarged pores
- What are the side effects of chemical peel?
There are no major side effects of Chemical peels, if performed by a specialist. The minor effects include redness, scarring or a burning sensation for a while. - What are some things I should do before getting chemical peels?
This is a good question. What to do before getting a chemical peel is important because it can help the doctor or provider know your current skin condition. Tell them what you’re allergic to, if you have any history of scarring, and any other medical you may be taking. Most of the time, the doctor will work with you and ask these questions. - Can lasers be combined with TCA cross?
Yes. Specialist often combine a number of techniques to give the best possible results to patients. We can combine subcision, punch excision, punch elevation, laser and TCA cross. Remember, most patients will have a number of different types of scars, and hence a combination of treatments will be needed.
TCA cross for acne scars forms an integral part of our Program for acne scar revision. The concept is to map and treat each scar individually, using the best method available for the scar type. Once the depth of scars are in the same plane, laser treatment can finish off the treatment. - Is home-exfoliation of skin same as chemical peel?
The home-exfoliation is not same as the professional chemical peel. Though the home exfoliators are useful and beneficial, but they cannot be compared to the chemical peel treatment.
The treatment includes application of an acidic solution with supervision of a qualified expert. - Is TCA cross chemical peel safe in dark skin types?
TCA cross can be used to treat acne scars in all skin types. Darker skin patients may develop slight darkening of the treated skin (1-2mm areas), but this fades over a period of weeks. Occasionally post treatment darkening may last a few months. The use of sunscreen after this procedure is very important.
Treating acne scars in darker skin types can be more challenging as post -treatment darkening of the skin can be encountered. As a guide, Specialist recommend that an extra one or two treatments be performed, as a lower concentration of TCA is used in darker skin patients. Often we will prescribe a bleaching agent before and after the TCA Chemical peel procedure, as this can fade darkened scars. - What precautions are required after chemical peel?
The consultant will explain all the precautions that need to be taken after the chemical peel treatment. Direct sun light must be avoided for a couple of days, the patient must wear sunblock with high SPF when going into the day light.
Home-exfoliators must not be used for a certain amount of days after the chemical peel treatment. - How should I know which type of chemical peel is best suited for me?
To decide which type of chemical peel treatment you should get done, you must consult an expert dermatologist. The decision requires many elements to be considered, including your skin type and your desired results. Your doctor is your best friend when it comes to making a decision on which type of peel to get. - What is the cost for TCA cross procedure for acne scars?
The cost of this procedure will vary depending on the complexity of scars and the areas treated.
*Medicare rebate may apply for some treatments
We offer payment plans for acne scar treatments. - Why choose a Specialist for TCA cross chemical peels treatments for acne scars?
Trusting a physician who is an expert in acne scar revision can be daunting for many patients. Remember, there are many types of acne scars, in different skin types. Cosmetic and laser dermatologists are equipped with training, expertise and the latest technology to deliver the best results to patients. The doctors at Acne Specialist Clinics are doctors who undergo Specialist training in dermatology and then further their skin training in treating acne scarring.
Our Specialists have extensive training in the treatment of acne scars in darker skin patients, including Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, as well as African skin types.
Before and After of Chemical Peels

More About Chemical Peels
Chemical peel is one of the oldest methods for eliminating the aging problems. The procedure eradicates the wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and scars by resurfacing the layer of the skin and giving you a smooth glowing skin. TCA Cross Chemical Peels Santa Monica can help you get rid of your acne fast, and in a very professional way.
Facts and Chemical Peels and Acne Scars
- Deep acne scars, such as ice pick scars can be very difficult to treat and do not respond to laser treatments
- TCA Cross chemical peel method does not treat the full face, however TCA is placed in focal areas of acne scarring
- In specialist hands, results are excellent. Patients will require two to three treatments for best outcomes
- Treatment with the TCA cross method is well tolerated and recovery is quicker than with laser treatment
- TCA cross can be used on all skin types, including darker skin patients
- In darker skin types, temporary darkening of skin can be seen for several weeks or months following TCA Cross peels, light skin types recover much faster
- We combine TCA CROSS with other treatments such as Fractional laser, full laser resurfacing and RadioFrequency treatments for scar revision
TCA Cross Before and After
Here are some more TCA Cross before and after pictures: